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When Looking for Multi Family Properties, we look at them b y classes. So you have Class “A,B,C & D”. Now all classes are good, it just depends on what you strategy and buying criteria is. So for me our company criteria is 100-250 units class B & C, with a value -add opportunity, where we can do some upgrades and add value.


So the Class A is typically new construction nice amenities and in great neighborhoods. The B Class property is about 10-20 years old may need some upgrades, has a few amenities and is in a good area. Class C is our favorite, this class in our opinion has the most opportunity in it. We look for a property needing a lot of rehab in a good area and we look for the opportunity and capitalize on it. Then you have the Class D, this property is usually in bad shape, bad areas with drugs and crime. We stay away form Class D.


So There You Go, The MultiFamily Property Classes  and what to look for when you’re out looking for Deals.


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